
Start Off the Federal Fiscal Year With These GovCon Events

Start Off the Federal Fiscal Year With These GovCon Events

It’s about to be October, which means the U.S. federal government’s fiscal calendar is about to reset to square one. Ideally, this means a new budget, a new set of priorities and a new universe of opportunities for government contractors. Potomac Officers Club is here to give you the arena to make the connections you need to make so you can forge the partnerships that are crucial to maintaining your business.

Here’s a breakdown of the exciting events we have for the remainder of the calendar year (or, the first quarter of the government’s fiscal year).

2024 GovCon International Summit

Oct. 10 at the Hilton Mark Center Alexandria

Register now!

The global scene is becoming an increasingly crucial part of GovCon, when you consider the internationalization of tech, the many geopolitical conflicts currently underway and the much discussed great power competition. That’s why POC is expanding its horizons to bring you the first-ever GovCon International Summit in just a couple of weeks. Consider some of the highlights you can look forward to at the event:

  • Thought leadership from Michael Miller, director of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency; Schuyler Moore, chief technology officer of U.S. Central Command; and Kristina Walter, director of the Cybersecurity Collaboration Center at the National Security Agency.
  • Extensive discussions about the global space domain, including the New Space Race and how to translate North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, alliances in space.
  • An investigation into how the Department of Defense’s Joint All-Domain Command and Control initiative has recently added an international dimension to its conceit.
  • Plentiful networking and Q&A opportunities! You won’t want to miss this.

Attendees network at POC event

2024 Homeland Security Summit

Nov. 13 in the Tysons Corner, Virginia area


After the Presidential election on Nov. 5, you’ll need a space to pick up the pieces and figure out how to position your company for success in the next four years of the fight for national security. The 2024 Homeland Security Summit will do just that, while giving attendees a comprehensive rundown on everything going on in the Department of Homeland Security’s acquisition and procurement efforts. The main focus areas will be:

  • Cybersecurity — Top executives from DHS’ Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, or CISA, will sit on panels and give keynote speeches to help audience members understand the cyber aspect of the national security fight. Representatives will include Chief Information Officer Robert Costello, Chief Privacy Officer James Burd and Executive Director Bridget Bean.
  • IT and customer experience — There will be a panel discussion on how IT modernization and “hyperautomation” can impact the execution of the American mission, as well as a panel exploring successful and problematic customer experience ventures and how industry can get involved.
  • Artificial intelligence — Multiple panel sessions will take AI as their focus area, including detailed discussions of the new DHS AI Corps and a deep dive on how AI and machine learning drive efficiency at DHS. The keynote speakers will undoubtedly bring AI into the conversation as well — this technology is everywhere and isn’t going anywhere!
  • Come for the above-mentioned topics, stay for the camaraderie, industry insights, Q&A sessions and delicious food and refreshments! Join us.
2023 Healthcare Summit panel
Panelists at the 2023 Healthcare Summit

2024 Healthcare Summit

Dec. 11 at the Falls Church Marriott Fairview Park

Save your spot

Healthcare delivery is a public need that will never subside, but the industry around it and the government mechanisms supporting it are in constant flux. Finish out the year and find out what top federal healthcare officials are seeking from industry at the 2024 Healthcare Summit. Here are the key draws:

  • A window into the Department of Veterans Affairs, which will be sending multiple representatives to the event. They include Jeffrey Neill, associate executive director of the VA’s Technology Acquisition Center and Lisa Rosenmerkel, chief data officer and executive director for data governance and analytics. Neill will bring an acquisition perspective and Rosenmerkel will draw attention to pressing data and technology concerns.
  • A state of the union on healthcare technology. At the summit, we will get a well-rounded and in-depth explanation of the cutting edge technologies at the heart of the healthcare industry from important leaders like National Institutes of Health CIO Xavier Soosai and Department of Health and Human Services Deputy CIO (and current Acting CIO) Jennifer Wendel.
  • Discussions on AI, because it’s unavoidably among the most important things happening in the contracting world right now. Demand for AI tools are higher than ever, so we have two panels to address it: “Applied AI – Elevate Ideas to Reality” and “Catalyzing Clinical Translation: AI’s Role in Research to Real World Impact.”

Tickets to all three events are running low, so be sure to claim your place today! Finish out the year strong with Potomac Officers Club.

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