Executive Profiles

Amy Markowich, NAVAIR’s Simulation, Test Director

Amy Markowich

Testing Director


Amy Markowich, NAVAIR’s Simulation, Test Director

Amy Markowich serves as the director of the Naval Air Systems Command's integrated battlespace simulation and test department. She handles a team of about 755 personnel and over $1B in National Asset facilities.

Markowich is also responsible for the planning, direction and execution of NAVAIR's installed system test facilities, supporting testing and evaluation of aircraft avionics and weapon systems.

The scope of her testing work includes platform-level ground testing, electromagnetic environmental effects, radar cross-section measurements and battlespace environment simulation and modeling, the Navy said.

As the leader of the Navy's modeling and simulation office, she is the service's modeling and simulation executive for the assistant of the Navy. Markowich also serves as the Navy's principal for high-performance computing applications.

Markovich, who was appointed to the Senior Executive Service in June 2009, spent over 26 years in various engineering and leadership roles related to testing and evaluation and acquisition.

She led NAVAIR's Common Systems Integration program, which was created to develop solutions across the command's family of systems and start collaborative manned and unmanned partnerships across the Navy and the joint services.

Before she took over as NAVAIR director, she served in the deputy role. Markowich is credited with playing a key role in the development of the Air Combat Environment Test and Evalution facility, a NAVAIR national and worldwide test and acquisition asset.

She specializes in electronic warfare testing, threat simulator development and battlefield simulation. Some of the major modeling and simulation facilities she has managed are the Integrated Battlespace Arena, the Radar Reflectivity Laboratory and the Surface Aviation Interoperablility Laboratory. 

Markowich earned a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and in mathematics from the University of South Florida. She is also a graduate of NAVAIR's senior management development program.

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Category: Executive Profiles