
What are the Benefits of Joining Potomac Officers Club Events?

Photo/ Executive Mosaic

What are the Benefits of Joining Potomac Officers Club Events?

The Potomac Officers Club events accelerate significant discussions about the trends, opportunities, and future of key domains where the federal government has interests. These interests encompass defense, cybersecurity, healthcare, artificial intelligence, homeland security, and other related sectors.


Prominent government contracting (GovCon) executives with decades of experience in their respective fields attend these venerable events. Joining these events can be very beneficial to GovCon professionals seeking to expand their portfolios.


Listed below are the benefits of joining Potomac Officers Club events.


What is the Potomac Officers Club?


The Potomac Officers Club (POC) is a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about government contracting. It is a membership organization owned and operated by Executive Mosaic, a premier media institution established in 2002.


One of the pillars of POC is connecting and empowering executives. It provides a platform to spearhead lasting business partnerships, engage in meaningful dialogues, and exchange crucial information about news and the latest updates in GovCon spaces


What are Potomac Officers Club events?


Snippets of the 10th Annual Defense R&D Summit
Photo/ Executive Mosaic


The Potomac Officers Club events aim to open the conversation about the relevant issues, timely opportunities, and emerging trends in various GovCon-related industries. Audience members of these events are all executives, including the most noteworthy leaders in private and public sectors, as well as high-ranking government officials.


POC hosts between 12 and 18 events annually, focusing on various sectors of the government contracting industry. Find out more about POC events.



What are the benefits of joining Potomac Officers Club events?


Joining Potomac Officers Club events can bring a lot of benefits to spur progress and breakthroughs in government contracting. Aside from learning the latest developments and advancements from leaders’ discussions, attendees can reap plenty of benefits just by attending POC events. 


Leverage executive networking opportunities


GovCon executives networking with each another
Photo by Sharomka/ Shutterstock


Potomac Officers Club events are great networking opportunities as 100% of attendees are at least on a director level. It meansthat each attendee is a decision-maker in the GovCon organization they belong to.


Small business owners can network with larger organizations and leverage subcontracting opportunities. They can also introduce their business to government officials, which can connect up with opportunities to be a prime government contractor.


Establish the brand in various GovCon spaces


Government contracting spaces are expansive; their impacts extend way beyond the respective. For example, healthcare government contractors can find a valuable contract award in the defense sector by providing soldiers with routine physical and mental health checkups.


Attending events by the Potomac Officers Club brings together executives from various GovCon markets. It gives brands an opportunity to establish themselves in other realms where they can expand their portfolios.


Navigate the threats and opportunities in GovCon


Given that the GovCon industry is dynamic, an opportunity for one contractor may be a hurdle for another. Even when a company has been a government contractor for a long time, it’s not a guarantee that it can always take advantage of the best opportunities in the industry.


Potomac Officers Club events aim to build a community where government contractors and federal executives can navigate the threats and opportunities in the GovCon industry. These events foster a community where contractors can work together for further growth of the industry and, by extension, the federal government.


Build an elite community of GovCon experts


Snippets of a POC event
Photo/ Executive Mosaic


Ultimately, by connecting with different government contracting executives and helping them navigate the GovCon industry, POC events build an elite community of GovCon professionals, experts, business leaders, and C-level executives.


This community forges lasting relationships among government contractors, enabling partnerships and collaborations toward career development, corporate growth, and successful business ventures. 


Who can join Potomac Officers Club events?


The Potomac Officers Club events are for top executives, business leaders, and GovCon professionals. Joining these events are like-minded individuals who are just as passionate about the government contracting industry.


In 2024, POC is set to host monthly summits to discuss the hottest topics in the GovCon industry. To stay updated on these events, become a member of the Potomac Officers Club.


Become a member of the Potomac Officers Club


Snippets of the 2023 Intel Summit
Photo/ Executive Mosaic


Becoming a member of the Potomac Officer Club means becoming a member of a community consisting of:


  • 100% of our members have Director-Level positions or higher
  • 40% are either VPs or leaders holding higher positions within the organization
  • 20% are C-suite executives


POC members gain access to monthly POC summits, POC Breakfasts, and virtual events. The club is an executive-only community; service providers and the professional networking crowd are excluded.

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