
Tom Drake Delivers Keynote at Potomac Officers Club’s 10th Annual Defense R&D Summit

Tom Drake Delivers Keynote at Potomac Officers Club’s 10th Annual Defense R&D Summit

Tom Drake is a keynote speaker for the Potomac Officers Club’s 10th Annual Defense R&D Summit on January 31, 2024. Read on to know more about this executive and event.

Who is Tom Drake?

Tom Drake leads the Ocean Battlespace Sensing Department at the Office of Naval Research. Since 2013, he’s been the Director of the Office of Naval Research’s Ocean, Atmosphere and Space Research Division. His main responsibilities include planning, executing, and managing all kinds of research and technology development for ONR’s programs, from physical oceanography to marine biology.

Tom Drake as a Keynote Speaker for the Potomac Officers Club’s 10th Annual Defense R&D Summit

Tom Drake is a valuable keynote speaker for the Potomac Officers Club’s 10th Annual Defense R&D Summit due to the following reasons:

  • His expertise as the leader of the Ocean Battlespace Sensing Department. His role involves overseeing innovative projects, such as the Naval Science Assistance Program and the Defense Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research, showcasing his commitment to advancing ocean sciences for defense.


  • His active participation in conferences like the OCEANS conference reflects his collaborative nature and ability to engage with fellow experts.


  • As the head of the department, his leadership skills in managing a team of scientists and engineers in their research and development efforts further enhance his value as a speaker on the future of ocean observation and defense research and development.

The 10th Annual Defense R&D Summit hosted by the Potomac Officers Club is the ultimate event for cutting-edge tech in the U.S. military. The lineup of keynote speakers includes Dr. Tom Drake, William Casebeer from Riverside Research, Heidi Shyu and Jay Dryer from the Department of Defense, Michael Loomis from Nokia, and more.

There will be panel discussions and sessions covering innovation, great power competition, the virtual battlespace, technological overmatch, intelligent NetOps, and AI in R&D.

Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with top-notch defense leaders, researchers, and decision-makers who will tackle the latest military tech.

Don’t miss out on this chance to connect, ask questions, and network with the leaders in the field!

See the event details here | Register here

10th Annual Defense R&D Summit

Office of Naval Research’s Efforts on Defense and Research

The Office of Naval Research (ONR) is a branch of the U.S. Navy that coordinates, executes, and promotes science and technology programs for the Navy and Marine Corps. Congress established ONR in 1946 to maintain future naval power and preserve national security through research. It supports many scientific disciplines and technological areas, including basic and applied research.

Here’s how ONR contributes to the nation’s defense and research initiatives:

  • ONR’s initiatives include the Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP), which aids university research infrastructure essential to high-quality Navy-relevant research, and the Basic Research Challenge, which encourages high-risk research projects with naval relevance. ONR Global, the international arm of ONR, extends its reach globally, with the most communities served in London.


  • The ONR advises the Chief of Naval Operations and helps plan the President’s budget within the Department of Defense. It drives innovation and has been recognized for its outreach, transparency and thoroughness in acquisition forecasts. This helps companies understand what the Navy needs and allows them to develop new and better solutions and meet the requirements.


  • ONR offers funding opportunities for innovative solutions that address current and future needs of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps.

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