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Budget Documents Reveal Air Force Spending Priorities Through 2028

Modernization funds

Budget Documents Reveal Air Force Spending Priorities Through 2028

The Department of the Air Force has disclosed documents detailing near-term budget priorities such as the Next Generation Air Dominance stealth fighter and Collaborative Combat Aircraft drone projects, which are part of a broader effort to modernize warfare capabilities. The released documents make up the Future Years Defense Plan, an overview of Air Force spending over the next five years.

According to the FYDP, NGAD is expected to see an increase in funds from $1.9 billion in fiscal year 2024 to $4.1 billion in FY2028. For CCA, the service plans to ask for $392 million in FY2024 and up to $3 billion in FY2028.

Frank Kendall, secretary of the Air Force, previously shared plans to purchase an initial batch of 200 NGAD fighters and 1,000 CCAs.

He said the service is seeking $5 billion in fiscal year 2024 to bankroll modernization efforts meant to stay on par with China. Kendall, a 2023 Wash100 winner and confirmed speaker at the Potomac Officers Club’s 2023 Air Force Summit in July, noted that the Air Force needs “to make a transformation to a next generation of capabilities,” Breaking Defense reported.

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