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DHS Selects Oceanit to Develop Data Protection, Anti-Spoofing Capability for Sensors

Sensor security

DHS Selects Oceanit to Develop Data Protection, Anti-Spoofing Capability for Sensors

The Department of Homeland Security has awarded Honolulu-based Oceanit Laboratories a contract to develop a sensor systems capability that can withstand spoofing and data manipulation.

The $950,000 Small Business Innovation Research Phase II contract was administered by DHS’ Science and Technology Directorate. Oceanit will help address the difficulty of protecting networked sensors deployed in tactical, harsh and rugged environments, DHS said Monday.

S&T SBIR topic manager Brannan Villee said that security is typically focused on the computers that process data and not on the sensors that gather them.

“This detection capability will allow users to discern between a physical failure and a cyberattack, which is critical to data confidence and system integrity,” Villee added.

Kathryn Coulter Mitchell, the senior DHS official performing the duties of the undersecretary for science and technology, said advancements in sensor technology will help law enforcement accurately monitor operational situations. Mitchell will speak at an upcoming GovCon Wire forum on innovative and emerging technology.

Oceanit’s effort will be focused on creating a system that can reliably detect and correct sensor spoofing to minimize the number of false positives that reach operators, analysts and decision-makers.

S&T awarded the Phase II contract following Oceanit’s successful demonstration of its data protection and anti-spoofing solution under the terms of a Phase I award.

If Oceanit demonstrates advancement in its technology within the Phase II deal’s 24-month period, the company will have an opportunity to seek Phase III funding from the private sector or non-SBIR government sources.

DHS said the eventual goal of SBIR Phase III is to transition the prototype to a commercially viable product for end users.

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