Future Trends

DHS Wants to Create New Group to Centralize, Synchronize Cyber Activities

DHS Wants to Create New Group to Centralize, Synchronize Cyber Activities

The Department of Homeland Security, in its fiscal 2021 budget request, has asked $2.6M for the creation of the Joint Cyber Coordination Group, an internal organization dedicated to coordinating cybersecurity efforts across DHS. According to DHS, the group would provide a "central location" where permanent staff and representatives from across DHS components can "synchronize" cyber activities. The agency explained that expanding technological and cyber threats make it difficult for any one component to manage "all aspects of associated risk," Fifth Domain reported. Budget documents added that the department "lacks sufficient mechanisms to develop, plan for, and execute strategic, operational priorities across components and coordinate long-term protective and deterrent efforts to counter cyber risks." Officials further wrote that the JCCG will allow DHS to evaluate and execute authorities and capabilities across the department and ensure coordinated, integrated input into other interagency efforts to aggressively counter cyber risks and deter adversary actors.

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Category: Future Trends