Speaker News

DoD Collaborates With Industry for Synchronized Drone Solutions

Neil Thurgood

Lieutenant General

The Army RCCTO

DoD Collaborates With Industry for Synchronized Drone Solutions

The Department of Defense is collaborating with drone operators to come up with synchronized solutions that can accelerate detection, tracking and identification of small unmanned aircraft systems to counter their threats. 

During the DoD-sponsored C-sUAS Industry Open House held virtually on Oct. 30, Gen. Joseph M. Martin, Army vice chief of staff, said in a pre-recorded speech that the community should be agile as adversaries change technology, tactics, techniques and procedures. 

“To get after this enterprise effort, we’ve got to work closely together as a team of teams across the Joint force,” he said. 

The first-of-its-kind event was co-organized by the Joint C-sUAS Office and the Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office. The open house provided information on emerging requirements, strategy, training and opportunities for the industry. 

Lt. Gen. Neil Thurgood, director for Hypersonics, Directed Energy, Space and Rapid Acquisition and a past Potomac Officers Club event speaker, said the speed at which the developments are happening is dramatic. 

“That speed is focused, that speed is resourced, and that speed will bring the results we need,” he said. 

Instead of continuing C-sUAS efforts from an individual service perspective, the agency will work collaboratively, with all of the services pursuing long-run Joint C-sUAS solutions together, according to Maj. Gen. Sean Gainey, JCO director.  

In addition, the agency has finalized the C-sUAS operational requirements document and is in the final phases of approving the drone strategy. 

The requirements, which are coordinated with all services, Combatant Commands, and other DoD stakeholders, will serve as a framework that will address current and future capabilities needed within a modular, open system command and control architecture. 

When completed, the strategy will bring a system that will focus on the sUAS sector across the spectrum and in locations that include the U.S, and contingency areas.

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