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DOD Pauses Data Analytics Tool Development

Software development

DOD Pauses Data Analytics Tool Development

The Department of Defense has paused the development of a new data analytics tool. According to an internal email obtained by Defense One, the DOD decided to “pause much of the active work and additional features” of the Advancing Analytics platform until the development team completed suggested changes to its “infrastructure.”

The Advana platform will play a significant role in the department’s data and analytics initiative. In a 2021 memo, Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks, a past Potomac Officers Club event speaker and Wash100 winner, said that the tool is “the single enterprise authoritative data management and analytics platform for the secretary of defense, deputy secretary of defense and principal staff assistants, with inputs from all DOD components,” Nextgov/FCW reported.

In the same email, Radha Iyengar Plumb, another past POC event speaker, shared that her team is also working to ensure the platform is future-proof.

In May, the Defense Department launched another data analytics platform. The Open Data and Applications Government-owned Interoperable Repositories framework will be a multivendor ecosystem that allows the government and the private sector to integrate data platforms, development tools and applications in a manner that allows the government to retain ownership over data and intellectual property.

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