Speaker News

DOD Showcases Advanced Technologies at Manufacturing Exhibit

Cost-effective solutions

DOD Showcases Advanced Technologies at Manufacturing Exhibit

The Department of Defense recently held its third annual Manufacturing Technology Program Pentagon Day exhibition, showcasing various cutting-edge technologies aimed at enhancing military capabilities and supporting national security.

The ManTech exhibition comprises investment programs from the Air Force, Army, Navy Defense Logistics Agency and the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Defense .gov reported.

According to Tracy Frost, ManTech program director, the goal is to develop and deploy cost-effective and efficient manufacturing solutions. Frost also emphasized the program’s role in transitioning lab innovations to practical military applications.

All three OSD ManTech portfolios participated in the event: the Manufacturing Science and Technology Program, DOD Manufacturing Innovation Institutes and the Manufacturing Education and Workforce Development Program.

Highlighted technologies included a heat exchanger from MII America Makes that improves engine cooling efficiency, a 3D-printed rocket nozzle for better supply chain flexibility, BioMADE’s sustainable rubber derived from dandelions and environmentally friendly explosives for safer military operations.

Heidi Shyu, the undersecretary of defense for research and engineering, a 2024 Wash100 awardee and a past Potomac Officers Club event speaker, underscored the importance of collaboration among innovators to advance the department’s capabilities, noting that such teamwork is crucial for national security and a strong U.S. defense manufacturing base.

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