Speaker News

DOD Updates List of Foreign Institutions Engaging in Unauthorized Technology Transfer

Heidi Shyu,

Under Secretary, OUSD

(R&E), DOD

DOD Updates List of Foreign Institutions Engaging in Unauthorized Technology Transfer

The Department of Defense has published an updated list of foreign institutions engaging in activities that could involve an unauthorized transfer of technology to adversaries.

According to Heidi Shyu, DOD undersecretary of defense for research and engineering, a previous Potomac Officers Club speaker and a 2024 Wash100 awardee, the publication will ensure the responsible use and safeguarding of fundamental and applied research and the future development of advanced technology.

The list includes institutions in China and Russia, the DOD said Friday.

Researchers, academic institutions and industry partners are advised to take caution when dealing with the listed entities.

According to the agency, misappropriating DOD-funded research and development efforts can lead to adversarial government interference that threatens U.S. security and economic, research and scientific integrity.

“Protecting and maintaining America’s science and technology ecosystem is paramount to national security,” Shyu said.

The DOD will continue updating the list annually or as appropriate. 

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