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POC - 2021 6th Annual Army Forum

2021 6th Annual Army Forum | Potomac Officers Club

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The U.S. Army has spearheaded development efforts of new capabilities and truncated legacy programs, which will be integral to new concepts of operations and organizations. Moving forward, the service branch will continue to drive network modernization, invest in next-generation defense systems and spearhead development of new technologies. 

During Potomac Officers Club’s 2021 Army Forum, notable federal and industry leaders will discuss how the Army will drive future capabilities, such as data management, cloud, hardware and software, to meet the demand and speed of the digital battlefield. 

Join our event to learn more about the progress, innovations and accomplishments of the Army’s modernization over the last year, what challenges remain, and how industry can help in 2021 and beyond.






8:00am 8:05am Welcome & Opening Remarks
8:05am 8:50am

Opening Keynote Speaker: Christopher Lowman

Keynote Introducer and Q&A Moderator: Gerry Fasano

8:50am 9:50am

Enabling Army C4ISR in an Age of Great Power Competition Panel:

Mark Kitz (panelist), BG Rob Collins (panelist), Joe Welch (panelist), Brian Keller (moderator) and Julie Furt (panelist)

9:50am 9:55am Break
9:55am 10:55am

Enabling the Next Generation War Fighter with Emerging Tech Panel:
Wade Allen (moderator), COL Matthew Scalia (panelist),Megan Dake (panelist), Derek Strausbaugh (panelist) and Alan Hansen (panelist)

10:55am 11:40am

Closing Keynote Speaker: GEN John "Mike" Murray
Keynote Introducer and Q&A Moderator: Larry Katzman

11:40am 11:45am Closing Comments
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