POC - 2nd Annual Industrial Space Defense Summit

2nd Annual Industrial Space Defense Summit | Potomac Officers Club

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With the constant development of new and advanced technologies, intelligence capabilities, weapons and infrastructure, space has become the most rapidly growing domain in the modern era. However, space is not a benign environment – the commercialization and democratization of the domain have created a highly-competitive landscape that simultaneously drives innovation and poses significant risks to countries that cannot keep up.

As the world turns its focus to space, the U.S. must develop and deploy innovative solutions at the speed of relevance to keep pace with adversaries, ensure the country’s space superiority, protect critical systems and maintain national security in alignment with the newly released Combined Space Operations Vision 2031.

The Potomac Officers Club’s 2nd Annual Industrial Space Defense Summit joins leading figures from government and industry to discuss the next generation of space technology innovations, the critical role of public-private collaborations and the importance of building a viable industrial base as vital components in U.S. space defense capabilities.

U.S. Army General James Dickinson, commander of the U.S. Space Command, will keynote the event, leveraging his unique insights as leader of the combatant command to speak on how he defends U.S. and allied interests in space while delivering space-enabled combat effects to over 18,000 joint warfighters around the globe.






12:00pm 12:05pm Welcome & Opening Remarks
12:05pm 12:30pm Opening Keynote: GEN James Dickinson
Keynote Introducer: Paul Ferraro
12:30pm 1:10pm Keynote: Dr. Derek Tournear
Keynote Introducer: Kristin Robertson
1:10pm 2:25pm Current Challenges and Opportunities for Space Technologies Panel: Steve Butow, Brig. Gen. Dennis Bythewood, Paul Ferraro (moderator), Lt Col Walter "Rock" McMillan and Col Aaron Oelrich
2:25pm 2:30pm Closing Comments
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