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5G Summit | Potomac Officers Club

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In March, the White House released its National Strategy to Secure 5G of the United States to frame how the nation will safeguard 5G wireless infrastructure at home and across the globe. The new law directs the president to produce a strategy “to ensure security of next generation wireless communications systems and infrastructure,” within 180 days of its enactment. 

5G wireless technology is anticipated to unleash unprecedented levels of connectivity between millions of new internet of things devices and there are already a range of deployments making their way across the U.S. and in a few federal agencies. 

At Potomac Officers Club’s 5G Summit, notable federal and industry leaders will discuss emerging programs, priorities and challenges within the integration process of the new 5G framework. As emerging technologies continue to become an integral part of business and innovation, leaders across all divisions must stay ahead of the curve to tackle national and global issues. 

Join Potomac Officers Club for its 5G Summit 2020 to learn about the impact that innovative technologies and 5G integration have on the private and public sectors, the steps the federal agencies have taken to remain up to speed with the rapid advancement of technology, and the future programs, plans and priorities as the nation aligns with emerging technology.





8:00am 8:05am Welcome and Introductions
8:10am 9:00am Opening Keynote Speaker: Dr. Joseph Evans
9:00am 10:00am The DoD Journey to 5G: Where We Are, Where Do We Need to Be, and What is Next Panel: Dr. Brian Mazanec (panelist), Dwayne Florenzie (panelist), Bong Gumahad (panelist) and Lance Spencer (moderator)
10:00am 10:10am Break
10:10am 10:50am Midday Keynote Speaker: Maj Gen Kimberly Crider
10:50am 11:45am 5G.Space: The Ultimate Connected High Ground: Jim Brinker (panelist), Maria Demaree (moderator), Jeff Reed (panelist), Jennifer Warren (panelist) and Jay Yass (panelist)
11:45am 11:50am Closing Comments
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