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POC - 6th Annual Intel Summit

6th Annual Intel Summit | Potomac Officers Club


At the 6th Annual Intel Summit, you’ll hear public and private sector leaders discuss current programs and priorities for intelligence agencies, as well as what new initiatives lie on the horizon. With the landscape of the Intelligence Community (IC) ever-changing due to the emergence of innovative technologies, intelligence programs must stay one step ahead of the shifting threat landscape. Our speakers will discuss the impact innovative technologies have had on the IC, the steps the IC has taken to remain up to speed with the rapid advancement of technology and the IC’s future programs, plans and priorities.


Wednesday, July 31, 2019
7:00am - 12:30pm
Eastern Time Zone


7920 Jones Branch Drive
McLean, VA 22102
(703) 226-7007



7:00am 8:00am Check-in/Networking Reception (breakfast buffet)
8:00am 8:05am Opening Remarks: Jim Garrettson, Founder and President of Potomac Officers Club
8:05am 8:10am Introduction of Opening Keynote: VADM Robert Sharp, Director of National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
8:10am 9:00am Opening Keynote: VADM Robert Sharp, Director of NGA
9:00am 9:40am Mid-Morning Keynote: John Edwards, Deputy COO of CIA
9:40am 10:00am Break
10:00am 11:00am "Applied AI" Panel
11:00am 11:40am Mid-Day Keynote: Lt. Gen. Robert Ashley, Director of Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
11:40am 12:20pm Closing Keynote: Joshua Skule, EAD for Intelligence of FBI
12:20pm 12:25pm Closing Comments
12:25pm 12:30pm To-go Lunch Buffet
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