POC - Cybersecurity in the Modern Intelligence Community Forum

Cybersecurity in the Modern Intelligence Community Forum | Potomac Officers Club

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The Intelligence Community is facing an unprecedented amount of cyber threats. Today’s complex and evolving geopolitical environment underscores the urgent need for the United States to shore up its intelligence, counterintelligence and cyber capabilities in order to remain competitive and stay abreast of the modern threat landscape. The internet, the digital revolution and new technologies have acted as catalysts for change within the IC; now, the IC is working to update its tradecraft to reflect technological advancements and adapt to increasing cyber threats.

This event gathers cyber experts and thought leaders from government and industry to discuss how the IC, the military and the broader federal government are addressing cybersecurity in the modern age.

Christopher Cleary, principal cyber adviser for the U.S. Department of the Navy, will serve as keynote speaker and discuss how the DON is tackling cybersecurity in the modern age.





10:00am 10:05am

Welcome and Introductions

10:05am 10:55am

Keynote Speaker: Chris Cleary
Keynote Introducer: Tommy Gardner

10:55am 11:55am

Panel Discussion: Tommy Gardner (moderator), John Kearney and Robert Kimball

11:55am 12:00pm

Closing Remarks

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