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POC - Fostering Resilient, All-of-Nation Pandemic Response

Data-Driven 2021 Series: Fostering Resilient, All-of-Nation Pandemic Response | Potomac Officers Club

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Fostering Resilient, All-of-Nation Pandemic Response - The response to the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged existing approaches to health resilience. An All-of-Nation approach is needed to ensure a resilient future for the complex, inter-dependent, and inter-disciplinary realities of the next pandemic. Operationalizing an All-of-Nation approach to pandemic resilience requires new perspectives and innovative thinking to challenge the status quo and capture unique relationships among stakeholders within our system of government. 

The Biden Administration’s strategy on biodefense and pandemic readiness provides a roadmap for such change. The strategy supplements existing pandemic capability transformation efforts and budgets an additional $65.3B to help achieve 5 goals across 12 critical capabilities. However, significant questions remain on how best to operationalize the strategy and achieve system-wide pandemic resilience, many of which have been highlighted by the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense.  

Our keynote speaker will set the stage on critical issues and gaps related to strategic and operational integration across state and local government, academia, and the private sector. Our panel of leading government subject matter experts will then explore related insights from COVID-19 and how they can be realistically addressed given the Nation’s current biodefense posture and system of government.  

Attendees will gain significant practical understanding of the substantial and wide-ranging complexities associated with an All-of-Nation approach to pandemic resilience, such as the challenges with policy development, data management and access, inter-organizational management structures, and different resilience investment strategies.





1:00pm 1:05pm Welcome & Opening Remarks
1:05pm 1:45pm Keynote: RADM Bruce Gillingham
Keynote Introducer: Christen Smith
1:45pm 2:55pm Panel: Dr. Kevin Bugin, Dr. Christian Hassell, Dr. Jason Roos and Christen Smith (moderator)
2:55pm 3:00pm Closing Comments
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