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POC - Soldier Performance

Future Battlefield Series: Soldier Performance | Potomac Officers Club

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Soldiers need physical fitness and mental fortitude to keep them one step ahead of the adversary. The proliferation of wearable technology and the biofeedback and neurofeedback data it generates have created new opportunities to quantify and evaluate tactical athletes’ performance and leverage quantitative data to design the highest performing squads. Now, it’s time for a strategy that leverages human performance expertise from the military, industry, and academia and puts warfighters in control of optimizing their cognitive and physical wellbeing throughout the entire mission lifecycle – from training to mission execution and after action. 





8:00am 8:10am Welcome & Introductions
8:10am 8:45am Keynote: Doug Tamilio
8:45am 9:55am Panel: Joel Dillon (moderator), Michael Baum (panelist), Dr. JoEllen Sefton (panelist), Paddy Steinfort (panelist) and Dr. Robb Wilcox (panelist)
9:55am 10:00am Closing Comments
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