POC - 2024 Navy Summit

2024 Navy Summit | Potomac Officers Club


The 2024 Navy Summit hosted by the Potomac Officers Club is an exclusive, high-level gathering of naval leaders, experts, and innovators from government and industry. Our elite roster of speakers will gather to discuss how they’re enhancing maritime security, driving technological advancements and fostering strategic cooperation among naval forces and their industry partners.


Thursday, August 15, 2024
7:00am - 3:00pm
Eastern Time Zone


7920 Jones Branch Drive
McLean, VA 22102

Keynote Speakers


Dr. Gregory Avicola

Program Manager

Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA)

Matt Beran

Industry Lead, Global Defense & Intelligence


CAPT Jesse Black

Commanding Officer

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)

Cutter Brenton

VP, Algorithmic Warfare

Booz Allen

Col Juliet Calvin

Chief of staff, Joint Staff J-6, Chief Statistics Analytics and AI

U.S. Marine Corps

CDR Jeremiah Daley

Military Director, PACFLT N9WAR

U.S. Navy

Dorothy Engelhardt

Director for Unmanned Systems DASN Ships

U.S. Navy

Dr. Sheryl Genco

VP Advanced Technology Group

Ericsson North America

CAPT Andrew Gibbons

Senior Military Acquisition Advisor (SMAA) Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development, and Acquisition)

U.S. Department of the Navy

Van Hendrey

Executive Director, Program Executive Officer for Integrated Warfare Systems

U.S. Navy

CAPT Eric Hutter

Deputy Director, Disruptive Capabilities Office

U.S. Department of the Navy

Dr. Charles Johnson-Bey

Senior Vice President

Booz Allen

Robert Keisler

Director, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (5.6)

Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Atlantic

LtCol Jack Long PhD

Acting Navy Chief AI Officer

Office of Naval Research [ONR]

CAPT (USN Ret) Bryan Lopez

Director of Emerging Technologies, Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer

U.S. Department of the Navy

Jay Meil

VP Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (and Chief Data Scientist)


Mario Miranda

Director, Technology Transfer & International Agreements

U.S. Navy

Frank Pandolfe

Vice President and Strategic Account Executive for the Navy & Marine Corps


Lt Col Benjamin Pimentel

Technical Lead for Expeditionary & Tactical Programs FutureG

U.S. Department of Defense (OUSD R&E)

Mike Pomatto

Deputy Director of Manpower Analytics HR Systems

Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Manpower & Reserve Affairs (M&RA)

Paul Siegrist

Vice President, Business Development and Strategy


Dr. Rob Spalding

Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute and CEO of SEMPRE

Hudson Institute

Scott St. Pierre

Director Assured Enterprise Networks and Cybersecurity Division, Information Warfare

U.S. Navy

Barbara Supplee

EVP Navy Business Group


Jennifer Thomas

Chief Financial Officer

Ericsson Federal Technologies Group


7:00am 8:00am Networking Reception
8:00am 8:05am Welcome & Opening Remarks
8:05am 8:45am Opening Keynote: Hon. Nickolas Guertin
Keynote Introducer: Paul Siegrist
8:45am 9:20am Morning Keynote: Michael Stewart
Keynote Introducer: Dr. Sheryl Genco
9:20am 9:50am Networking Break
9:50am 10:50am Naval Autonomy: Way Ahead: Dr. Gregory Avicola, CDR Jeremiah Daley, Dorothy Engelhardt, CAPT Eric Hutter, Mario Miranda, and Frank Pandolfe (Moderator)
9:50am 10:50am 5G in Navy Mission Sets: Challenges and Opportunities: CAPT Andrew Gibbons, CAPT (Ret) Bryan Lopez, Lt Col Ben Pimentel , Dr. Rob Spalding and Jennifer Thomas (Moderator)
10:50am 11:00am Break
11:00am 12:00pm Harnessing AI for Mission Impact: CAPT Jesse Black, Cutter Brenton, Col Juliet Calvin, Rob Keisler and Jay Meil (Moderator)
11:00am 12:00pm Empowering Mission-System Modernization Through Technological Innovation: Matt Beran (Moderator), Van Hendrey, LtCol Jack Long, Scott St. Pierre and Mike Pomatto
12:00pm 1:00pm Networking Lunch
1:00pm 1:35pm

Mid-Day Keynote: RADM Rothenhaus
Keynote Introducer: Matt Beran

1:35pm 2:10pm Afternoon Keynote: Hon. Russell Rumbaugh
Keynote Introducer: Barbara Supplee
2:10pm 2:45pm Closing Keynote: Hon. Franklin Parker
Keynote Introducer: Dr. Charles Johnson-Bey
2:45pm 3:00pm Closing Remarks
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