Achieving success depends on your brand-building resources to reach your personal and business goals faster. Joining POC gives you access to a powerhouse community of top executives, networking events featuring elite speakers, and vast educational tools to help you thrive and gain unlimited growth and opportunities.
A POC membership means you belong to an exclusive community of GovCon experts and professionals, business leaders, and C-Suite executives. Connect, interact, participate, and forge partnerships within the community for a rewarding journey towards career advancement, corporate growth, and thriving business ventures.
Navigating the GovCon industry and gaining a competitive edge is not a simple task. But with the help and support of our robust, dynamic, and growing POC community, you can win government contracts and unlock business opportunities with confidence.
+Business Executives
+Member Companies
Joining Potomac Officers Club (POC) grants you access to monthly POC events, featuring world-class private and public sector leaders who discuss the GovCon industry’s headline topics. With a membership, you will be able to attend POC Breakfasts, Summits and Virtual Events. Our POC Breakfasts are 3 hour events, beginning with a networking reception and followed by a keynote address and panel discussion. The POC Summits are half-day events, also beginning with a networking reception and followed by 3-4 keynote speakers and 1-2 panel discussions. We host virtual forums and 1/2 day summits, which are made available after the live event, via an "on demand" portal. We are an executive-only community, service providers and the professional networking crowd are excluded.
“I’ve been engaged with Executive Mosaic for years as a 4x24 speaker in my former role as a government employee and leader. There was a lot of value in those interactions from my perspective, even as the govie who would come in and talk to people. What was gained from my perspective then was realizing the immense network of people who really want to help the government and who were there to understand what problems they’re trying to solve for. Moving to the other side of the table, if you will, and helping continue to expose the government problem sets and connect the dots among all the people in all the organizations who really want to help the government solve their problems — that’s fun and exciting! And it’s an opportunity to continue to see all the same fun faces and interesting and engaging people that I got to interact with before.”
“We’re proud to work with Executive Mosaic, which continues to advance our industry and support the government’s mission.”
“Officially, I’ve been a member for about two or three years, but when I was active duty working out of the Pentagon, I was also able to come to some of these events, and really from the get-go, I knew this was a venue that would deliver really great messaging and great leadership. They’re able to bring out a lot of commentary that I don’t see in other venues — it’s at a higher level with an executive focus, and they do a great job of bringing those folks together time after time. They don’t disappoint!”
“The membership at Potomac Officers Club has been phenomenal. It is a comprehensive opportunity to understand, to interact and to potentially shape where our country is going. I want to thank the founding members and those that lead the way.”
“The events are always really high-end, and it’s always the most senior leaders in industry, and I think it’s also the most senior customers. The topics tend to be right on point, and you get the right folks in for the conversation. You can go to a lot of events, and the topics are interesting but it’s not the right folks. POC always has the right folks.”
“I’m really thrilled with the product that Potomac Officers Club brings to our nation. It is a really good product that allows us to hear directly from senior influencers, senior leaders, and then more importantly, to connect with our peers, our partners and bring the necessary defense capability to our nation.”
“What I really like is the fact that POC/EM is a professional organization that brings industry and government together in a very collaborative way that helps us to be much more effective as industry experts. But also coming from government after 38 years, I see this as a venue that I wish that I had known about in the previous 10-15 years!”