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Defense and Intelligence

CDAO Seeking Technologies to Improve US Army’s Microgrid Cybersecurity

Information technology

CDAO Seeking Technologies to Improve US Army’s Microgrid Cybersecurity

The Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office is inviting the industry to respond to an open call for innovative solutions that would enhance the cybersecurity of an autonomous microgrid power system that the U.S. Army Fort Hunter Liggett plans to deploy.

The system is designed to enable FHL to operate while disconnected from Pacific Gas and Electric utility power.

CDAO initiated the open call for the Hack the Army Microgrid initiative to identify capabilities that can improve the system’s operational and information technology elements before it enters service, according to the notice posted on Tradewinds.

According to CDAO, the open call provides an increased opportunity to win other transaction authority contracts for prototype projects.

The office said it is interested in “any technology, process, business practice, or any application of an existing technology, process, or business practice that enhances mission effectiveness.”

The awardees are expected to identify the vulnerabilities in the microgrid’s OT and IT domains and provide mitigation guidance on systems that control and monitor physical equipment and processes.

Interested parties have until June 27 to submit their responses.

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