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Department of Justice Forms Cyber Unit in National Security Division

NatSec Cyber

Department of Justice Forms Cyber Unit in National Security Division

The Department of Justice has formed a new cyber section within its National Security Division that would focus on foreign digital threats.

Matthew Olsen, the division’s assistant attorney general, explained that the new unit will drive the department’s operations in the cyber domain and accelerate campaigns against nation-state threats, state-sponsored cybercriminals and other malicious actors. He added that NatSec Cyber will serve as a hub for long-term investigations.

To combat cyber threats from adversaries, the new unit is also expected to advance partnerships with internal and external organizations such as the Criminal Division’s Computer Crimes and Intellectual Property Section and the FBI’s Cyber Division.

NatSec Cyber was established following congressional approval and a report from Lisa Monaco, deputy attorney general, the Justice Department said.

In 2022, Olsen testified before Congress on the National Security Division’s efforts to address cyber threats. Responding to questions regarding his organization’s response to a 2020 cyberattack on U.S. courts, he said his organization is continuously working on cybersecurity and that he would keep lawmakers updated on the issue.

Olsen could not assure that Justice Department systems were fully safe from nation-state threats, noting that such actors utilize more sophisticated methods of gaining persistent access.

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Category: Cybersecurity