Technology challenge
Developers Invited to Join Track 2 of DHS Remote Identity Validation Technology Demonstration
The Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate has challenged developers to collaborate with the government in Track 2 of the Remote Identity Validation Technology Demonstration and come up with technologies that can detect the authenticity of photos in documents and identification cards and evaluate identity verification of images taken using smartphones and other devices. Science and Technology Biometric and Identity Technology Center lead Arun Vemury said the next track will test the ability of software to compare and determine the genuineness and similarity of ID photos with selfies as a way to strengthen the department’s capability to combat fraud related to banking transactions, government services and social media, the DHS S&T said.
Vemury said the agency has closed the application for Track 1, which received tremendous interest from developers who wanted to collaborate with the government in developing accurate and easy-to-use technologies. Both RIVTD tracks aim to measure performance against sophisticated attacks and provide a means to evaluate technologies for use in commercial or government applications.
Category: Federal Civilian