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Federal Civilian

DHS Funding 9 Projects Seeking to Better Equip Frontline Workers

SBIR contract funding

DHS Funding 9 Projects Seeking to Better Equip Frontline Workers

The Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate announced that a total of $9.8 million has been awarded to small businesses to further develop technologies intended to support homeland security mission needs. Nine Phase II contracts were awarded as a result of the Small Business Innovation Research solicitation released in December 2020, the S&T Directorate said Thursday.

In a statement, the directorate said that each Phase II recipient was awarded approximately $1 million to build and demonstrate a prototype over a two-year period. It was explained that additional funding is being given in recognition of the feasibility of technologies demonstrated during Phase I of the program. 

Topping the list of projects receiving Phase II funding is the development of a non-invasive breathalyzer detection system to screen for the presence of viral respiratory infections. Another project seeks to develop an Extreme Terrian Vehicle for mounting rescue operations in ice-covered areas. Yet another project seeks to harness artificial intelligence to augment the 911 telecommunicator function, the directorate revealed.

Kathryn Coulter Mitchell, the senior official performing the duties of the undersecretary for S&T, said “small businesses are critical to the execution of the DHS mission, they are a key factor to a healthy economy.” She added that the effort ultimately strives to equip DHS frontline workers with the tools they need to safeguard the nation.

The S&T directorate said that at the end of the two-year contract, the awardees are expected to have developed a prototype to demonstrate their technologies, opening the doors for potential Phase III funding. It was further explained that the advanced funding phase will be provided by the private sector.

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Category: Federal Civilian