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Pentagon Establishes New Cyber Policy Office

Cybersecurity posture

Pentagon Establishes New Cyber Policy Office

The Department of Defense has announced the establishment of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Cyber Policy to centralize oversight of cyber operations, fulfilling a mandate within the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023.

The assistant secretary of defense for cyber policy will be the senior official crafting and supervising DOD policy in the cyber domain, Defense .gov reported.

Key responsibilities of the office include overseeing the DOD’s cyberspace operations budget, workforce development, integration of cyber capabilities into operations and the implementation of national cybersecurity policies within the department.

The ASD(CP) reports directly to the undersecretary of defense for policy and also serves as the principal cyber adviser to the secretary of defense. Ashley Manning, a Senior Executive Service career member, is currently performing the ASD(CP) duties in an interim capacity.

President Joe Biden has nominated Michael Sulmeyer, presently the principal cyber adviser to the secretary of the Army, to formally fill the position.

Acting Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Sasha Baker emphasized that the new office underscores the department’s commitment to robust cybersecurity as a national priority. 

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Category: Cybersecurity