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DOD Cyber Policy Leadership Position to Remain Vacant Amid Ongoing Review

Cyber leader selection

DOD Cyber Policy Leadership Position to Remain Vacant Amid Ongoing Review

A Department of Defense official said the assistant secretary of defense for cyber policy role is unlikely to be filled by the end of 2023.

Speaking during a March 30 House Armed Services Committee hearing, John Plumb, the assistant secretary of defense for space policy, said a federally funded research and development center is currently looking for an individual to fill the newly created cyber leadership position but it could take months to find a nominee. The assistant cyber policy leadership role was created under the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act.

Rep. Mike Gallagher, the head of the committee’s cyber, IT and innovation panel, told Plumb that he believes the Senate is ready to confirm a nominee, C4ISRNET reported.

According to Plumb, the nominee selection process is akin to how the ASD for space policy was selected, where an FFRDC was contracted to review nominations and the responsibilities that the anticipated official would handle. He said the review should be done by September.

The Defense Department currently has a deputy assistant secretary for cyber policy position, which is held by Mieke Eoyang. She oversees the Pentagon’s cyberspace policy and strategy and provides oversight on the department’s cyberspace activities.

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Category: Cybersecurity