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Federal Civilian

DOE Announces Early Career Research Program Awardees

Research funding

DOE Announces Early Career Research Program Awardees

Ninety-three scientists and researchers have been selected to receive $135 million combined funding from the Department of Energy to perform research on various topics, including artificial intelligence, astrophysics and fusion energy.

Research work will be conducted within a five-year period under the Office of Science’s Early Career Research Program. The selected individuals are from universities and national laboratories and are located in 27 different states, the DOE said.

The awardees include Philip Adsley, assistant professor at Texas A&M University’s Department of Physics & Astronomy and Cyclotron Institute, and Mathew Becker, assistant physicist at the High Energy Physics Division of Argonne National Laboratory.

Adsley will study nuclear dipole responses and their potential to contribute to the synthesis of heavy elements, nuclear medicine and the design of nuclear reactors. Becker, meanwhile, will conduct research aimed at developing a new measurement technique for weak gravitational lensing for cosmological surveys.

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said the funding will enable awardees to seek answers to complex questions and help them establish themselves as experts in their fields.

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Category: Federal Civilian

Tags: artificial intelligence Astrophysics Department of Energy Early Career Research Program federal civilian Fusion Energy Jennifer Granholm