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E-Space to Demonstrate Military Communications Capabilities of LEO Network

Situational awareness

E-Space to Demonstrate Military Communications Capabilities of LEO Network

E-Space will demonstrate the capability of its new low-Earth orbit network to provide communication services to the U.S. Space Force and the Space Development Agency. Work will be performed under a contract the company recently secured from the Department of Defense.

According to Greg Wyler, founder and CEO of E-Space, the LEO space system will provide extended satellite coverage to enhance situational awareness. The new space architecture offers multidomain military forces with global connectivity, Airforce Technology reported.

E-Space previously announced its plan to build a constellation comprising 300,000 multiapplication communication satellites. The company launched three prototype satellites in May 2022 on board a Rocket Lab Electron rocket. In the first half of 2023, it plans to deploy preproduction satellites to validate major performance features. 

Besides providing connectivity, the company said the satellites would be capable of capturing and deorbiting small debris in the future. The space assets would also have the ability to deorbit automatically in case of a malfunction.

The growing amount of space debris is among the challenges the U.S. government is trying to address. In December, NASA awarded a contract to TransAstra to procure the Mini Bee Capture Bag for satellite end-of-life disposal missions.

The award came after the Federal Communications Commission approved a rule requiring satellite operators to deorbit defunct satellites within five years of the end of their mission. Operators previously had to deorbit satellites within 25 years. According to FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel, the change will help prevent collisions that increase orbital debris and cause space communications failures.

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Category: Space