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Federal Civilian

FCC Chair Seeks Faster Internet for Underserved Locations

Broadband connectivity


FCC Chair Seeks Faster Internet for Underserved Locations

Jessica Rosenworcel, chair of the Federal Communications Commission, recently disseminated an order to establish the Enhanced Alternative Connect America Cost Model, a program aimed at providing certain areas in the United States with internet service at speeds of at least 100/20 megabits per second.

A-CAM, the original version of the program, provides broadband carriers in remote areas with financial incentives to achieve metrics such as maintaining connection speeds and constructing more network infrastructure. Rosenworcel identified a need to bring A-CAM up to modern speed and reliability standards.

According to an FCC press release, Rosenworcel’s order would require A-CAM participants to reach the new 100/20 Mbps baseline to continue receiving subsidies and incremental increases for those in “expensive-to-serve areas.”

The enhanced program is meant to work alongside existing programs such as the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment.

Included with the order is a request for comment on the specifics of certain funding areas, the FCC said Friday.

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Category: Federal Civilian