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Four Businesses Receive NASA SBIR Contracts for Space-Based Research

SBIR contract awards

Four Businesses Receive NASA SBIR Contracts for Space-Based Research

NASA has selected four small businesses that will research how microgravity can benefit manufacturing and biomedicine in space. The Four companies are DSTAR Communications, Sachi Bioworks, Goeppert and Nanoarmor.

The companies will receive up to $150,000 under the agency’s Small Business Innovation Research Phase I program. The companies were selected for their research proposals, which focus on composite materials, medicines for space applications, 2D materials engineering and parts fabrication, New Space Global reported.

DSTAR Communications‘ research will focus on space-based materials creation that will surpass the quality of Earth-based manufacturing. The company plans to develop space-enhanced crystals, which would ultimately allow materials manufacturing onboard the International Space Station.

Los Angeles-based Nanoarmor will research how ultra-high temperature composites with microgravity-improved grain structure will benefit reusable aerospace vehicles and hypersonic systems. Work under this research effort could benefit passenger safety and vehicle durability.

Nanoarmor will also see how nano-reinforcements for ceramic matrix composites can benefit spacecraft. The company believes that CMCs could provide enhanced thermal protection and could support hypersonics, which are subject to thermal shock due to high speeds.

Philadelphia-based Goeppert will investigate how microgravity will affect molybdenum disulfide material growth. The company will create a specialized furnace for MoS2 growth and simulate defects to see how the composite will affect the manufacturing of semiconductors, lubricants and other components in which defects could significantly affect performance.

Sachi Bioworks, a Louisville, Colorado-based biotechnology company, will examine how microgravity enables models that mimic human tissue and organ performance. The study is expected to support manned, deep space missions and deliver personalized medicine for astronauts.

Another line of effort under Sachi’s research includes the development of treatment for neurodegeneration, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Research activities are expected to take up to six months.

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Category: Space