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Federal Civilian

GSA AI Lead: Artificial Intelligence Must be Accessible, Equitable

AI deployment

GSA AI Lead: Artificial Intelligence Must be Accessible, Equitable

The General Services Administration is working to ensure that artificial intelligence is equitable and accessible for all federal agencies, according to Chief AI Officer Zach Whitman. 

Whitman said the GSA is using lessons and experiences gained from integrating the internet and email into the federal government’s daily operations to help every component of the government roll out AI. 

With more federal offices accelerating the integration of the emerging technology, the GSA’s Technology Transformation Services Director Ann Lewis tackled how the unit guides agencies in embracing AI, ensuring the federal government takes advantage of the power of AI, GSA .gov reported.

Help from the GSA comes at a time when the Biden administration is calling for agencies to “advance AI governance and innovation.” In March, President Joe Biden issued an executive order that not only asks agencies to adopt AI but also ensures it is protected against security challenges associated with the technology.

The GSA is also ensuring it makes the most of the technology. In April, Robin Carnahan, its administrator, said generative AI has the potential to help the government improve how it delivers services to Americans.

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Category: Federal Civilian