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GSA Announces Five Executive Shifts in Federal Acquisition Service

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GSA Announces Five Executive Shifts in Federal Acquisition Service

The General Services Administration has announced five senior executive shifts in its Federal Acquisition Service, an organization tasked with helping agencies procure products and services at the best possible value.

FAS Commissioner Sonny Hashmi said that the leadership shakeup, effective April 24, is part of a new approach to improving customer experience, Federal News Network reported.

Erv Koehler, currently the assistant commissioner for stakeholder and engagement, will serve as head of the FAS’ Office of General Supplies and Services. His duties will include acquisition, logistics, supply and personal property disposition support.

Koehler will be succeeded by Bill Toth, currently the director of the Office of Fleet Management. Toth will be responsible for customer outreach, research and analysis, stakeholder relationship management and national account strategy and management.

Charlotte Phelan, the head of the Office of Travel, Transportation and Logistics, will switch roles with Crystal Philcox, currently head of the Office of Enterprise Strategy Management. In her new role, Phelan will be responsible for all FAS modernization efforts, while Philcox will be in charge of the direction of the service’s travel, transportation and logistics portfolio.

Bob Noonan will leave his role as head of the Office of General Supplies and Services to serve as the senior adviser for workplace programs. Noonan will report directly to Hashmi.

“These adjustments will allow FAS to take procurement innovation to the next level and improve the customer and supplier experience,” Hashmi said in a memo obtained by Federal News Network. 

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Category: Federal Civilian