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Digital Modernization

GSA Updates Multiple Award Schedule to Streamline Software License Purchases

Cloud procurement

GSA Updates Multiple Award Schedule to Streamline Software License Purchases

The General Services Administration will now allow upfront payments for software licenses to save taxpayer dollars and support small businesses.

A recent update to the Multiple Award Schedule program is expected to align government and commercial practices for software licenses delivered as software as a service under the Information Technology Category Special Item Numbers, the GSA said.

Tom Howder, the acting commissioner of GSA’s federal acquisition service division, said allowing single-invoice purchases for immediate delivery eliminates administrative burdens for both vendors and agencies.

Howder, a past Potomac Officers Club event speaker, described the update as a significant step toward helping agencies save money and advance their missions while also supporting small businesses.

The update also provides small business resellers with better opportunities to sell software licenses without the strain of extended payment periods.

Laura Stanton, assistant commissioner of GSA’s information technology category and also a past POC event speaker, highlighted the flexibility of upfront payments as part of the agency’s efforts to make cloud procurement more accessible and affordable, enabling more small businesses to participate in the government cloud market.

The GSA said the update follows research and feedback from government buyers and vendors.

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