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House Lawmaker Proposes Cyber Risk Assessment for Mexico Border Tech

Cyber incident prevention

House Lawmaker Proposes Cyber Risk Assessment for Mexico Border Tech

Rep. Vicente Gonzalez has proposed an amendment to the fiscal year 2024 defense budget requiring the departments of Defense and Homeland Security to assess cybersecurity threats to the United States border with Mexico. Gonzalez told Nextgov that he aims to implement a cyber incident prevention plan that mitigates future risks.

The assessment is expected to cover potential threats to U.S. Customs and Border Protection screening and surveillance equipment. The DOD and DHS secretaries would be required to take steps to address such risks following the assessment’s completion, Nextgov reported Friday.

Gonzalez explained that his measure is meant to protect new security and contraband screening technologies at the Brownsville-Gateway Land Port of Entry in his district. He said a growing number of cybercriminals are targeting such equipment.

Data from a 2022 CBP report supports Gonzalez’ assertion, indicating that daily cyberattack attempts have grown from 40 million to almost 100 million in the last two years.

According to Gonzalez, such attacks could also endanger sensitive data associated with tourism and trade.

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Category: Cybersecurity