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Chris Inglis Highlights Importance of Teaching Budget Accountability for Cyber Success

Chris Inglis

National cyber director

White House

Chris Inglis Highlights Importance of Teaching Budget Accountability for Cyber Success

The U.S. national cyber director believes that educating the workforce about budget execution is key to advancing cyber missions.

Part of that education is teaching cyber budget accountability, which means knowing what and how cyber dollars are spent, Chris Inglis told attendees at the National Security Summit hosted by AFCEA International and the Intelligence National Security Alliance.

Inglis said the executive branch of the government needs to have the right strategy in place to make sure that the cyber budget, including funding allocated for technology needs and training, is spent appropriately, FCW reported.

He set his office as an example, saying it is part of the staff’s responsibility to see “whether the execution matched the aspiration.”

A good strategy could promote coherence and better connect chief information security officers to chief financial officers, accountable parties, agency heads and department heads, according to Inglis.

He also noted that budget examination and reporting could reduce instances when projects are financed using funds from the wrong account.

Inglis was confirmed as the inaugural national cyber director in June. His post was created following the enactment of the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act.

Since being confirmed by the Senate, Inglis has been identifying the responsibilities that his office would have to cover. During a recent appearance at a Reagan Institute event, he said overseeing the implementation of cyberspace tools and software adjustments are some of his top priorities.

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Category: Cybersecurity