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Federal Civilian

Lawmakers Propose Quantum Science Integration Into Federal Research Efforts

Quantum in Practice Act

Lawmakers Propose Quantum Science Integration Into Federal Research Efforts

Reps. Randy Feenstra and Haley Stevens have put forward a bill that would apply quantum information science to government research on fertilizers, medication and other subject areas. The Quantum in Practice Act would enable federal agriculture scientists to utilize more advanced molecular simulation and modeling software, potentially facilitating the development of synthetic fertilizer production methods that are less resource intensive.

Quantum simulators are more powerful than conventional ones because of higher data capacities and faster processing time.

According to Feenstra, QIS could generate opportunities for rural Americans by lowering agricultural costs and creating more effective medications. The technology could allow researchers to minimize adverse side effects from certain drugs, Nextgov reported Friday.

Other potential applications for QIS include the development of stronger batteries and new superconductors.

Previously, Congress directed funds to the Department of Energy to cultivate interest in QIS among students, aiming to establish a pool of talent for quantum research and development roles in government.

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Category: Federal Civilian