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Federal Civilian

National Science Foundation Invests in Accessibility Projects for Persons With Disabilities

Convergence Accelerator


National Science Foundation Invests in Accessibility Projects for Persons With Disabilities

The National Science Foundation has announced that it is investing $30 million in research efforts to expand career opportunities for persons with disabilities and enhance their quality of life.

With the funding, six university teams will commence prototyping and sustainability planning work under Phase 2 of the Convergence Accelerator Track H: Enhancing Opportunities for Persons With Disabilities program, the NSF said.

The grant recipients include HeardAI, a Michigan State University-led project to enhance voice-artificial intelligence accessibility for people who stutter, and Inclusio, a Saint Louis University-led project to develop a software platform aimed at enabling rapid content sourcing and generation primarily for those with low vision and blindness. NSF also provided funding to efforts by Harvard University, Lehigh University, the New York University Medical Center and Northwestern University.

Phase 2 teams are expected to participate in entrepreneurial learning programs covering areas such as communications, intellectual property, financial resources and product development.

In September, the NSF allocated $25 million to finance five Phase 2 efforts under the Convergence Accelerator Track G: Securely Operating Through 5G Infrastructure program.

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Category: Federal Civilian