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Defense and Intelligence

Navy SBIR Director Discusses Tech Bridge Program

Small business


Navy SBIR Director Discusses Tech Bridge Program

Robert Smith, director of the Department of the Navy’s Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer programs, recently talked about the value of tech bridges, physical locations aimed at facilitating connections with startups to meet service needs.

He explained to Federal News Network that companies with knowledge of a given region and the service’s needs serve as intermediaries between the tech bridges and various organizations such as laboratories and warfare centers.

According to Smith, the Navy’s objective is to meet individuals that understand how the government works and young people with new approaches to current problems, Federal News Network reported Friday.

The Navy maintains 15 tech bridges within and outside the United States, including one in London focused on artificial intelligence, unmanned systems and directed energy capabilities.

Speaking at a recent American Council for Technology-Industry Advisory Council event in Maryland, Smith also called for expanding the SBIR program to accelerate the development of new technologies.

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