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Federal Civilian

OMB Needs to Improve CAP Goal Reporting Transparency, Federal Oversight Body Says

Reporting lapses

OMB Needs to Improve CAP Goal Reporting Transparency, Federal Oversight Body Says

The Government Accountability Office said the Office of Management and Budget needs to improve transparency when reporting its cross-agency priority goals.

According to a GAO study, the OMB’s CAP goals do not address IT management targets under the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010. The oversight body added that the OMB did not follow GPRAMA guidance and practices.

The GAO also noted that the OMB did not consistently report quarterly CAP goals achievement and did not address gaps in federal real property management, FedScoop reported Tuesday.

The oversight body recommended that the OMB director develop guidelines and procedures for timely CAP goal updates and revisions, set specific IT management targets, designate a CAP goal for federal real property management, ensure consistent quarterly reporting and develop guidance for its final report. The OMB agreed with the GAO’s findings but disagreed with most of the recommendations.

The CAPs are part of the President’s Management Agenda, which focuses on federal agency modernization and is designed to help executives set strategic priorities.

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Category: Federal Civilian