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Defense and Intelligence

Pentagon Releases JADC2 Implementation Plan

Kathleen Hicks,

Deputy Secretary,

Department of Defense

Pentagon Releases JADC2 Implementation Plan

Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks has signed the Department of Defense’s Joint All-Domain Command and Control Implementation Plan.

Hicks said the Pentagon must maintain its focus on enhancing its capabilities to face current and future threats. According to the deputy defense secretary, command and control capabilities are essential in a battlefield that relies more on information, and JADC2 will allow the Pentagon to create solutions based on its needs.

One of the things that are included in the implementation plan is the development of a cross-functional team that will oversee the execution of the JADC2 strategy, the Department of Defense said Thursday.

According to an unclassified summary of the implementation plan, the CFT will be composed of Senior Executive Service-level members from across the combatant commands, military branches, defense agencies, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Office of the Secretary of Defense. This organization will identify and implement C2 improvements.

Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a four-time Wash100 winner, said the implementation plan will increase the speed of information sharing and decision-making in a contested environment.

JADC2 is the Department of Defense’s plan to connect sensors across the military services into a single network. It is designed to close operation gaps, improve C2 system resiliency, integrate conventional and nuclear C2 processes and enhance interoperability and information sharing with mission partners.

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