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Plus3 IT Systems Lands NOAA Subcontract for Space Traffic Management System Development

Space traffic monitoring

Plus3 IT Systems Lands NOAA Subcontract for Space Traffic Management System Development

Plus3 IT Systems has announced its role as Parson’s subcontractor on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Traffic Coordination System for Space program.

The contract entails providing system integration and cloud management services as well as implementing a secure and scalable cloud-based system for TraCSS, Plus3 IT said.

The system will be responsible for ingesting, storing, processing and disseminating space situational awareness data from various sources. The data is essential for monitoring and managing civil space traffic, a responsibility mandated by Space Policy Directive 3 to transition from the Department of Defense to NOAA’s TraCSS in the future.

The contract also marks Plus3 IT’s second award focused on using its expertise in cloud architecture for space-based missions involving critical sensor data.

Based in Reston, Virginia, Plus3 IT is a small business specializing in cloud adoption, cloud security, cloud application development, DevSecOps and data analytics.

The firm had previously collaborated with the Department of Defense, the intelligence community and other federal customers in cloud-related initiatives.

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Category: Space