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Sedaro to Design Space Force ISAM Spacecraft Using Digital Twin Technology

Spacecraft design

Sedaro to Design Space Force ISAM Spacecraft Using Digital Twin Technology

The U.S. Space Force has awarded digital engineering software startup Sedaro a $1.5 million Small Business Innovation Research Phase 2 contract to design spacecraft using digital twin technology.

Sedaro will partner with Space Dynamics Laboratory and Draper Labs to design spacecraft for the Space Force’s in-space servicing, assembly and manufacturing mission.

The contract, issued under the Orbital Prime program, has a 15-month period of performance, SpaceNews reported.

The ISAM mission seeks technologies for in-space refueling, spacecraft upgrades, replacements, repairs, manufacturing and other servicing capabilities. The mission is designed to enable economic activity and human presence in space and create a new ecosystem of autonomous persistent platforms and assets to improve the use of in-space and terrestrial operations.

The SBIR contract comes after Sedaro secured a three-month Phase I AFWERX contract in April to develop unmanned aerial vehicle capabilities into its digital twin platform. Under the AFWERX contract, Sedaro was tasked to research and develop new UAV controls, communications capabilities, electronic warfare systems, propulsion systems and heat transfer simulations to be included in the platform.

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Category: Space

Tags: digital twin in-space servicing assembly and manufacturing Orbital Prime program Sedaro space spacecraft SpaceNews US Space Force