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Federal Civilian

T-Mobile Brings 5G Coverage to Miami VA Healthcare System


T-Mobile Brings 5G Coverage to Miami VA Healthcare System

The Department of Veterans Affairs has set up a custom, hospital-based 5G installation at the Miami Veterans Affairs Healthcare System courtesy of T-Mobile.

5G coverage provided by the telecommunications company enables the facility to take advantage of speeds said to be 7.5 times faster than contemporary LTE.

According to T-Mobile, medical teams at the Miami-based center with capable devices can now access high bandwidth files, including imaging results, labs and medical charts, without having to be tethered to a computer, Nextgov reported.

The Miami VA Healthcare System adds to the VA’s growing list of 5G-powered facilities, including the one at Puget Sound.

In February, VA partnered with AT&T to begin 5G experiments at the Puget Sound Health Care System in Seattle. These tests will focus on various health care applications such as telemedicine and wearable devices.

The agency began its 5G pilot with Verizon in a California hospital. Verizon’s 5G network supported clinically relevant, technological applications and products used by VA.

T-Mobile has played a key role in providing wireless service to the VA enterprise.  

In addition to bringing 5G coverage to the Miami facility, T-Mobile delivers in-building 4G connectivity to more than 50 VA health care systems.

Previously, the telecoms company provided 70,000 lines of wireless service to give veterans better access to VA’s online telehealth platform.

In a statement, David Bezzant, T-Mobile’s vice president for government, said the company shares VA’s vision of delivering the best technology to provide veterans access to quality care on-site and through telehealth appointments.

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Category: Federal Civilian