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Federal Civilian

NIST Solicits Feedback on Draft Special Publication for Information, Information Systems Security

Information security


NIST Solicits Feedback on Draft Special Publication for Information, Information Systems Security

The National Institute of Standards and Technology is seeking feedback on its plans to update its “Guide for Mapping Types of Information and Information Systems to Security Categories” special publication.

According to the NIST, the SP 800-60 revision 2 initial draft includes updates to the information types categorization methodology to address privacy considerations, as well as changes to the information systems risk management framework under SP 800-37 revision 2. The institute also plans to update information types taxonomy and provisional impact levels so they are consistent with current federal information types.

Comments are due March 18, the NIST said.

The request for information follows several guidance and calls for feedback the institute released in recent months addressing various technology-related concerns.

In December, the NIST released an RFI for trustworthy AI development and use under the Biden administration’s “Safe, Secure and Trustworthy AI” executive order. For the RFI, the NIST sought information on AI red-teaming, generative AI and synthetic content risk management and global technical standards for AI development.

In November, the institute released the draft version of SP 800-171, which contains information on protecting sensitive unclassified information.

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Category: Federal Civilian