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Federal Civilian

NSF-USDA Initiative Seeks Proposals for Agricultural Robotics

Agricultural solutions

NSF-USDA Initiative Seeks Proposals for Agricultural Robotics

The National Science Foundation is collaborating with the Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture to drive agricultural robotics research.

Through a Dear Colleague Letter, the agencies are seeking proposals for groundbreaking research on robots with the potential to transform farming practices and tackle critical agricultural issues such as rising food demands and the growing need for precision agriculture techniques, the NSF said.

Proposed research projects geared toward modernization and sustainability will be evaluated by both the NSF and the USDA NIFA.

According to Michael Littman, director of the NSF’s information and intelligent systems division, the partnership presents a unique opportunity to harness the power of robotics, address pressing challenges and develop solutions that benefit both farmers and consumers.

Daniel Linzell, director of the NSF’s civil, mechanical and manufacturing innovation division, added that the joint investment will not only contribute to worker safety in agriculture but also minimize environmental impacts.

Highlighting the potential of agricultural robotics, Steven Thomson, USDA NIFA’s national program leader, emphasized its potential to significantly enhance productivity and strengthen the overall resilience of food systems.

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Category: Federal Civilian

Tags: agricultural robotics Daniel Linzell Department of Agriculture federal civilian Michael Littman National Institute of Food and Agriculture National Science Foundation research Steven Thomson