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Defense and Intelligence

US Cyber Command Seeks Over $89M for Joint Cyber Effects Platform

Budget request

US Cyber Command Seeks Over $89M for Joint Cyber Effects Platform

The U.S. Cyber Command is requesting $89.4 million for its Joint Common Access Platform.

JCAP is designed as a joint cyber firing platform for all services. While little is known about the platform, it uses an agile software approach that allows users to assess gaps and threats, requirements and emerging technologies, all of which support faster and more efficient capabilities planning.

The military branches are expected to migrate to JCAP by 2024, DefenseScoop reported.

According to CYBERCOM’s budget request, JCAP will provide a protected, managed and orchestrated environment and a common firing platform to coordinate and execute attacks against approved targets.

The requested funding will go toward capability improvements and integration across the Joint Cyber Warfighting Architecture. JCAP is on the funding request’s research and development budget segment. The combatant command also requested $50.5 million for what it called “Robust Infrastructure and Access (JCAP),” with the money going towards command and control and cyber operations execution.

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