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Federal Civilian

Utah Awarded DOT Grant for Vehicle-to-Everything Technology Development

Road safety

Utah Awarded DOT Grant for Vehicle-to-Everything Technology Development

The Utah Department of Transportation has received a grant from the Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration to spearhead the Connected West Project.

Supported by the Saving Lives with Connectivity: Accelerating V2X Deployment program, the project aims to become a national model for deploying vehicle-to-everything technologies and will span Utah, Colorado and Wyoming, the DOT said.

The grant is part of a broader $60 million DOT effort to accelerate V2X adoption nationwide. V2X technology allows vehicles to communicate with each other and roadside infrastructure, potentially improving road safety, mobility, efficiency and environmental impact.

In line with the DOT’s National Roadway Safety Strategy, Utah DOT’s Connected West Project will involve deployments of advanced V2X applications, including safety alerts for weather impact and vulnerable road users, across all of Utah, I-80 in Wyoming and major portions of Colorado such as the Denver Metro Area and I-70.

Pete Buttigieg, transportation secretary, emphasized the potential of connected vehicle technology such as V2X to enhance road safety and reduce fatalities. Meanwhile, Federal Highway Administrator Shailen Bhatt highlighted Utah’s leadership in V2X technology and its potential national impact.

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Category: Federal Civilian