Speaker News

ODNI Chief Encourages High Schoolers to Consider Career in Intel, National Security

ODNI leadership insights

ODNI Chief Encourages High Schoolers to Consider Career in Intel, National Security

Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines recently told high school students that they too can embark on careers in intelligence and national security. Speaking at the National Student Leadership Conference on Intelligence and National Security, she explained to the pupils how intelligence community officers work round-the-clock to deliver insights to protect the American public and its allies, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said Friday.

Haines recounted to the audience how the ODNI was established in 2005 in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The 2022 Wash100 awardee discussed the ODNI’s efforts to close the intelligence integration gaps between agencies and put together a holistic picture of threats facing the United States.

During the conference at the American University, Haines also stressed the importance of promoting diversity in the ranks of the IC. She said it is necessary to bring professionals from all ages, disciplines and backgrounds to work together to protect the nation.

The official explained that since the IC seeks to understand the events going on around the world and how they can potentially impact Americans, it is a good idea to bring in people from diverse backgrounds. She stressed that the IC needs various experiences and perspectives to carry out its work.

Haines is also scheduled to keynote the Potomac Officers Club’s 8th Annual Intel Summit on Oct. 17. She is expected to talk about contemporary challenges facing the IC, as well as the growing need for innovations and technology to enhance intelligence-gathering.

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