Speaker News

US, Kenyan Officials Discuss Cybersecurity Partnership Opportunities in Nairobi Dialogue

Nathaniel Fick,

Ambassador at Large

United States

US, Kenyan Officials Discuss Cybersecurity Partnership Opportunities in Nairobi Dialogue

Several federal officials attended the second United States-Kenya Cyber and Digital Dialogue hosted by the Kenyan government on Monday in Nairobi, Kenya.

Discussions at the forum encompassed several topics, including implementing the Framework for Responsible State Behavior in Cyberspace and advancing digital freedom. Officials of both nations also tackled investment opportunities to help Kenya expand its digital economy.

Ambassador at Large for Cyberspace and Digital Policy Nathaniel C. Fick, a past Potomac Officers Club speaker, is among the U.S. officials present at the event. Other delegation members came from the departments of Defense, Justice and State. The Kenyan delegation was led by Thomas Sakah, security secretary at the Ministry for Internal Security and National Administration, the Department of State said.  

Kenya has been a constant collaborator of the U.S. government. In December 2022, it was among the African nations to participate in a cyber exercise designed to provide knowledge on containment, eradication, intelligence collection and incident detection.

It also received support from U.S. businesses to provide Kenyan company ZEP-RE with satellite imagery needed in a drought risk protection program.

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