Communications Engineer & Principal

Dr. DJ Shyy is a principal 5G technologist within MITRE. He has experience in LTE, 5G, and 6G, including cellular system design and optimization, security threats and mitigations, spectrum sharing, 5G security strategy and frameworks, and lab/field performance testing. He is also a 5G technical advisor for government sponsors. He was the principal investigator for five MITRE Innovation Projects, with his research in 5G including a 6G AI/ML Industry Assessment. He is the technical lead for developing test plans and conducting interference assessments between 5G network and NOAA SATCOM terminals for 5G Band N79. Dr. Shyy’s accomplishments also include: He is the technical lead for the DoD 5G TRANSEC WG ( He was the main author for “Multi-Hop UE to UE Relays for MANET/Mesh Leveraging 5G NR Sidelink,” The Fourth Workshop on Edge Computing and Communications (EdgeComm), collocated with ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing, December 2023 ( He was a panelist for the Advancing Transmission Security (TRANSEC) for Secure Military Operations Panel at the IEEE MILCOM Conference, November 2023 ( He was the moderator for the 5G Blockchain Panel at the 2nd Future Network Security: Challenges and Opportunities Workshop, March 2023 ( He was the moderator for the 5G TRANSEC Tactics Panel in the IEEE MILCOM Conference, December 2022 ( He was the chair of the WiMAX (2008–2012), LTE (2012–2016), and 5G (2016–2020) Secure Profile working groups. He was a significant contributor for 5G security threats analysis and mitigation tasking: “Investigating Security Evaluation Process for 5G Technologies” 2021 ( ( He was the primary author of “5G Testbed Assessment” and “5G Framework to Conduct 5G Testing,”2020 ( He was a member of FCC CSRIC VII WG3 and submitted multiple technical contributions (2020–2021). He developed three 3GPP SA3 contributions addressing 5G security gaps, resulting in acceptance in 2020. He led the development of a 4G testbed with security enhancements including mutual trust with PKI, RAN slicing, IMSI obfuscation, and encryption of SIBs for defeating attacks and threats (including IMSI catchers/rogue base stations) in 2018. He was a speaker for the Defense Science Board 5G Task Force in 2018. Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. Public Release Case Number 24-0860 He was the technical lead for performing multiple field tests of spectrum sharing between USMC MRC-142C and LTE systems for 1710–1755 MHz bands with the participation of all 4G service providers.

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